1970 Charger R/T

Code: 1970-ChargerRT

Reproductions for US sold vehicles only

1970 Charger R/T Window Sticker Reproduction, The prices we use are taken from factory publications and actual invoices for cars similar to the car we are writing a reproduction window sticker for. For multi-price years we will attempt to price your car exactly as delivered. Because of the methods we use, our prices do not always agree with those published in reference books that contain option prices. If you want special pricing, let us know. Special options (production less than 200) must be authenticated by FACTORY DOCUMENTATION


In Stock
  • VIN *

  • Engine *

  • Transmission *

  • Exterior Color *

  • Interior Color *

  • Build Date (i.e. B23) *

  • Sales Order Number *

  • Tires *

  • Other options (select as many as needed) *

  • Dealer Name and Address *

  • Comments *

  • Upload Documentation *

    Drop files here to upload

    Please attach any original documentation ( i.e. broadcast sheet, tank sticker, original sticker, fender tag, firewall tag, etc.) that would help in reproducing your stickerMax file size: 25 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png pdf

  • Addt'l Unlaminated Copies (+10.00) *

  • Addt'l Unlaminated Copies Total *

  • Addt'l Laminated Copies (+15.00) *

  • Addt'l Laminated Copies Total *

Product total

Options total

Grand total